We have learned a few methods to evaluate the quality of user interface design previously. Inspection methods like heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough let you understand usability issues through UI/UX experts' evaluation. We learned theories like Fitts' law. We also learned about ethnography, in which you observe how people interact with a system to identify what usability problems people face in interacting with a system.

But so far, we haven't learned to evaluate usability with actual users. We will cover testing with actual users in the next few modules.


We have been casually using a term "usability." Usability refers to the quality of a software system being easy to learn, effective to use, and enjoyable to interact with. The notion of "good" usability depends on the context; for example, what is considered as "good" for a real-time, first-person shooter game's UI would be different from "good usability" for a word processor application. The most importance aspect of the usability for the former would be responsiveness, quality of how exciting the game is, and aesthetics. On the other hand, the users of the latter application would value qualities like ease of learning and ease of putting together a document.

Having said that, knowing commonly used usability criteria would be helpful. Here is a list of commonly accepted usability goals (criteria) (Preece et al., pp.19-22):

Methods to Evaluate Usability

We have three large categories of evaluations by which we can assess the usability of the system (Preece et al., pp.456-462):

A different study methods—interview, observation, heuristic evaluation, usability testing, etc—and whether it is done in the lab or field have advantages and disadvantages. They allow us to collect different types of data. It is your role as a designer to think what would be a suitable method to evaluate the usability of your system. Luckily, you do not have to pick a single method; the best evaluation strategy would be to use multiple methods that complement each other. Using multiple study methods to evaluate a design from different angles is called triangulation.


Before we talk about usability testing, let's take a step back and ask, "why would you test the system with actual users anyway?" For example, why can't we use an inspection method and get over with evaluating usability? Though inspection is a good first step in teasing out obvious usability problems, evaluators may know too much about typically accepted "good practice". They wouldn't know enough about the user's tasks, the user's environment, and the user's background. And these could introduce discrepancy between what the UI experts think is "good" and what actual users perceive as usable.